Tuesday, March 1, 2011

5 Theme Parties Ideas

If you are thinking of throwing a party but you are wanting to spice it up a little then you should consider some theme parties ideas.

Research has shown that the most memorable parties are always theme parties. Take a look at the following theme party ideas.

1. Casino - You can hire in all the professional staff if you like, or just run it yourself! Charge an amount for a quantity of fake money of which everybody gets the same. This way real money can be won, but nobody loses more than anybody else. You can also have a karaoke machine set up for this party theme.

2. French - For the French theme party, you get to make fun of all the various French stereotypes. Dress as a Frenchman in a horizontal black and white stripy top, garlic necklace and beret. Eat French food and drink French wine all the while listening to French cafe music.

3. masquerade - The essence of the masquerade party is to dress up in elaborate costumes. The very important thing is to conceal your face by using a mask. At no point in the evening should you reveal your identity. Its incredible what you can get away with when you become another character and nobody knows who you are.

4. Hawaiian - The Hawaiian Luau party should ideally be held on the beach but could also be staged in your back garden! There should be a shed or "surf shack" to act as the bar where all the Hawaiian cocktails are made! You could perhaps hire a professional cocktail maker to mix drinks for your guests.

5. Cocktail - The cocktail party was traditionally the before part of an actual dinner party but has over time evolved to become a party in its own right! You should try and make it a classy affair with black tie. Play classical music and hire waiters to serve the food and drinks on trays.

There are so many Theme Parties Ideas that there is no excuse for throwing an ordinary run of the mill party. Consider one of our Theme Parties Ideas and give your guests a party they will always remember.


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