Friday, February 15, 2013

Male Chastity Faq - The 7 Most common Questions on Male Chastity and Male Orgasm Denial

In this short Male Chastity Faq I want to cover the 7 most prominent questions I get asked over and over again by readers of my blog and Free Guide.

There is a lot more to the lifestyle of course, but in my feel the answers to these seven questions will get you started off on this yummy way of living without manufacture some of the fundamental and easily-avoided errors many couples make.


1. My Husband Has Confessed to Me His Desire to Be Locked. Has He Lost His Mind?!

No. Well, he may have, but if that's so it has nothing to do with what he's just asked you to do! Male chastity and male orgasm denial are surprisingly tasteless fantasies for men, for reasons whatever who doesn't share that fantasy might never understand.

But that's Ok. We don't have to understand it, because we can simply enjoy the benefits (more on these later in this male chastity Faq).

For now, suffice it to say it's a tasteless fantasy and so long as your association is fundamentally sound it will almost genuinely bring you a lot of delight and has the possible to improve your whole association and other areas of your life.

2. Does a Desire for Male Chastity and Orgasm Denial Mean My Husband is a Closet Submissive?

No. He may be a submissive, of course, but that doesn't necessarily follow from his desire to hand over to you operate of his orgasms.

Most men want to improve their relationships and their sex lives (we all know it can become a bit stale and boring over time, don't we? It's no-one's fault and it's just human nature. Male chastity and male orgasm denial is just one way to improve things because it tends to convert the dynamic of the association back to how it was when you were first together.

Of all the things to take away from this male chastity Faq, this is perhaps the second-most important.

Besides, even if your man is submissive, male submissiveness lies on a continuum and isn't a easy case of either/or. Many - the majority, in fact - men wish to be submissive in the bedroom only, and have no desire for all the greatest "female-domination" scenarios you might have heard about.

3. Will Male Chastity Fix My Relationship?

Probably not. Not by itself, anyway.

If the old myth was the most prominent one to dispel in this male chastity Faq then this is #1!

If your association is not fundamentally sound, if you don't make love because you can't stand each other rather than because you've just got out of the habit, then the marvelous likelihood is male chastity and male orgasm denial are going to make it far, far worse.

Not what you wanted to hear, I know... But it's the truth.

4. Should I Buy a Device, Lock Myself Up and Just Give My Wife the Keys?

Well, it's your decision, but I think this is a really, really, genuinely brainless thing to do.

First, you have probably had this fantasy for years. She, though, has probably never even heard of it. If you drop something like this on her without any warning whatsoever, then she genuinely might think you've become unhinged.

To her, you're suggesting something which from her perspective could mean a fundamental convert in your relationship. She'll need time to think it over and adjust - assuming she's willing to play at all.

Bottom line: you've got to talk about it like an adult. Yes, I know you want an easy, easy and comfortable answer, but this is a male chastity Faq and is meant to answer your questions and give good advice, not approval for silly ideas.

5. My Wife Isn't Interested. How Can I Make Her Do This?

You can't. And you shouldn't even try.

The way to lead someone into it - and this applies to men and women - is to Show them not just Tell them about the benefits They will experience.

It's beyond the scope of this male chastity Faq to go into detail here, but if you make it all about You - "I want... I want... I want...", then you probably won't get. Male chastity and male orgasm denial are hard work for both of you.

It's not just about whether one of you - it's two-way street.

6. Do We Need a expedient to Play at Male Chastity and Male Orgasm Denial?

If you think you do... Then you probably do; but, if you think you don't... Then you don't.

Many couples very suc­cess­fully use the "Hon­our" sys­tem (includ­ing John and me on many occasions).

If it works for you both, then there's your answer.

If it doesn't... Well... Fig­ure it out.

There are no rules about this - male chastity is a consensual lifestyle selection and there is no book of rules telling you what is and isn't "acceptable".

And the last demand in this male chastity Faq...

7. What's the Best Male Chastity expedient for Me/My Husband to Wear?

The short answer is I don't know.

It's a slight like ask­ing what's the best kind of car... A Land Rover or a Rolls Royce?

And so the long answer is... It depends.

If you want to drive off-road and ford deep rivers, then a Land Rover would be a bet­ter selection than a Rolls; but if you're look­ing for lux­ury trans­port to impress a Vip, then you'd prob­ably be bet­ter choosing a Rolls.

Not only that, but dif­fer­ent men's bod­ies react in dif­fer­ent ways to the same devices. John found the Cb3000 use­less, because it was very uncom­fort­able and, worst of all, didn't stop him mas­turb­at­ing to orgasm. But I know at least one man who finds the Cb3000 com­fort­able and effect­ive for pretty much 24/7 wear.

Another expedient John had was a beau­ti­ful piece of work, but it simply caused him to swell up with oed­ema. No fault what­so­ever with the device, the qual­ity, or the maker herself. It just didn't suit John's body.

And then there are full steel chastity belts, like the Tolly­boy (which John has), the Neo­s­teel and the Latowski, to name but three.

Each has its own pros and cons which I won't go into in this male chastity Faq.

In the main, I think it's safe to say a full belt tends to be more gain than a easy device, but then belts are also more expens­ive, in the main.

Ulti­mately, though, you won't know what works for you unless you give some­thing a try. It prob­ably makes sense to start off (rel­at­ively) cheap and simple, say with some­thing like a Cb3000 and then see how that works.

If it does what you want it to do, then fine; if not, you may have to think again.

Bot­tom line: trial and error. There is no other way.

If you're fed up and tired of all the nonsense you read about male chastity on blogs and forums, then...

Male Chastity Faq - The 7 Most common Questions on Male Chastity and Male Orgasm Denial


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